
Science News for Kids
Youth edition and companion to Science News magazine. Contains information, articles, experiments and latest news about a wide variety of science topics. 5/5

Science Buddies
Focuses on Science Fair project ideas for all ages for many different topics in science including physical, earth, math, computer and social sciences. Also includes information for those interested in science careers. 5/5
A kid-friendly site focusing on biology, human biology and animals. Also includes educational biology games. 4/5

Astronomy for Kids Online
Includes information for kids and adults alike with information on topics such as The Solar System, Astronomers, the Hubble Telescope, and more. 4/5

One Geology Kids
An animated and entertaining website for kids to learn about various topics in Geology in an interactive way. 5/5

Chem 4 Kids

A kid-friendly site including information on matter, atoms, elements and other topics in Chemistry. 4/5

Archaeology for Kids
Questions and answers kids may have relating to Archaeology and a profession as an Archaeologist. 4/5

Agriculture in the Classroom

An animated site including science projects, virtual tours and information about agriculture, farms and food. 5/5